Who wouldn?t want to buy their favorite handbag for less? Although the internet offers all customers unlimited choice of handbags and stores to shop for our favorite arm candies, finding a good deal on a handbag can be difficult. If you want to buy your first designer handbag for less than 1,000, check our tips for online shoppers:
Buy only from trusted retailers
This is the main rule of buying online: know who to trust and do not buy from those retailers, who do not seem reliable. If you want to buy a handbag, start by checking the official designer handbag store and the biggest online retailers. Official stores and retailers, such as Amazon, have very strict policies, which guarantee that the transaction will be secure and the ordered product will be authentic. Finding a good deal on products through the official website might be difficult, but many brands also run outlet stores or sell their old collections through outlet services. The more popular the designer, the more customers will be interested in outlet products. To be the first in line to buy your favorite handbag, subscribe to a newsletter and keep your finger on the pulse of new deals. Another good tip: follow a blogger, who is known for his/ her passion for designer handbags. Bloggers are often presented with special deals and they often pass the information to their devoted readers. If you are hungry for more, you can also join social media groups dedicated to special deals on high quality products. You have to be patient: it might take a few months, before you find a good enough deal on your favorite handbag.
Check price comparison websites
Just because a retailer claims that his prices are competitive, it does not mean that it is true. If you want to find the best price on a handbag, check price comparison websites. These services are very useful, however, you should be wary of online stores, which offer the best prices on handbags, but do not have many positive reviews from customers. If you decide to buy the handbag in a specific clutch boutique, check whether the retailer accepts returns and uses SSL protocol to ensure a secure connection.
Learn how to recognize knockoffs
Some models of handbags are no longer available at retail stores and the only way to obtain the bag is through online auction services, such as ebay. This, however, poses many problems. Not only you can stumble upon an unreliable retailer, who will try to con you out of your money, but you can also buy a fake bag by mistake. The best way to avoid knockoffs is to find out as much as you can about the product you want to buy. There are many bloggers, who analyze authentic designer bags in detail and give readers tips on how to avoid fake versions of the bag. Use these websites to develop your knowledge about handbags. Buy only from retailers, who provide enough pictures to be able to establish whether the bag is fake or not.
READ MORE: Top 5 Michael Kors Bags to Start Your Designer Bag Colection
Marta Gromadzka is a writer and editor with a wide variety of experience, including writing for websites internationally and editing books on many different subjects and in a variety of formats.