– try a warm pink lipstick which paired with a concealer will distract people from your blemishes and other skin imperfections
– control your weight by exercising instead of dieting. This will let you keep your hair
– never overpluck your eyebrows. Tweezing can lead to bald patches which are difficult to grow back. Besides, emaciated eyebrows are out
– use a cold shower instead of a warm one. Cold water stimulates blood circulation and lets your skin stay hydrated
– pores on the face can be a real nightmare but we don?t have a lot to do with them. Caused by genetics and age they can be shrinked with microdermabrasion treatments
– small lips don?t like dark colours ? they get smaller and smaller! For an Angelina Jolie inspired pout choose an outliner and a glossy watery lipgloss that creates the illusion of grandeur
– try a rose and lavender oil to calm your skin inflammation